Routine Care

Good oral health relies on healthy routines. By establishing these healthy routines, you can lower your risk for dental problems.


Brushing only removes plaque from the accessible sides and chewing surfaces of your teeth. Flossing allows you to remove plaque from between your teeth and slightly underneath the gums. These areas are not as accessible by toothbrushes. Tooth decay commonly occurs in these areas, which is more challenging and costly to fix. Restoring these areas will generally require tooth structure to be removed to access and fill cavities, which further weakens the affected teeth.

Flossing properly at least once a day removes food from between your teeth and reduces plaque. If plaque remains on your teeth for 24 hours, bacteria begin to grow, which can lead to tooth decay, inflamed gums, periodontal disease, and missing teeth. Unfortunately, nearly 70% of people don't floss regularly or at all.1

That is why flossing is just as important as brushing for long-term oral health and a great habit to teach your children from an early age. Flossing should start when your child has two teeth that touch, often around age two or three.2

Types of floss

There are many different types of floss and methods to floss. Talk to a dentist about the pros and cons of each type of floss based on your or your child's specific needs.

Best practices for flossing

Author: Symbyos staff, Fluent staff
Last updated: 3/1/2021Medical review: Thomas J. Greany DDS, 12/28/2020
© Symbyos LLC. All rights reserved.
